Posts in Resources
Beyond the Performance Review: Develop a Culture of Continuous Improvement


Instead of providing direct instructions and advice to employees, a manager who acts as a coach will ask open-ended questions to help their employees reflect and move forward with intention.

Download this resource to learn how managers who are empowered to be coaches support a culture of continuous improvement throughout the performance review process.

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Case Study: Juniper Square


Juniper Square was excited to host it’s first ever in-person Sales Kick Off event. Given what they knew about the power of stories, the leadership determined that the SKO would be designed around storytelling with the theme Ignite: Stories Brought to Life. Wolf and Heron drew from the foundational Influential Storytelling program and created a series of storytelling training experiences for team members at all levels.

Download our case study to explore more about our partnership with Juniper Square to deliver an impactful SKO 2023.

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How to Navigate Power Dynamics


Being influential is a challenge for many leaders, but particularly when in a team, organization or even just leading a meeting where you’re not the most experienced or lack formal power.

If you’re worried about your ability to influence within a group, there’s a lot you can do to understand the power dynamics and increase the likelihood you’ll feel and show up as powerful and influential.

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