Wolf & Heron

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Managing up: Leveraging one-on-one check-ins for your professional development

Stephanie Judd and Kara Davidson were asked to offer some practical and empowering advice for product managers left feeling like they are lost and alone in career development.

“I hate to say this, but I get no support from my manager.”

“My boss is clearly just checking the box regarding our touch points.”

“We just talk about project updates. We never talk about me, my goals, or my development.”

We’ve heard statements like this again and again from coaching clients. Most managers are well-intentioned, but for one reason or another, people are left feeling like they are lost and alone in career development. If you’re one of these people, the empowered way to navigate a situation like that is to focus on what you can control. One way to own your development is to take the reins with your manager check-ins.

Before you launch into a completely new approach with your manager, consider their perspective. As a trend, managers are being asked to do more with less. They’re often overbooked with meetings, navigating a never-ending series of crises, handling more direct reports than a year ago, and unsure of how to lead effectively. The impact of all this is that the one-on-one check-ins with you may become rare, deprioritized, and focused primarily on urgent project updates rather than longer-term goals. When your manager is dealing with all that’s thrown at them, they will likely appreciate you taking more ownership of your check-ins and ensuring they are productive, effective, and meaningful.

There’s a lot that you can do to take ownership of the meeting and your professional growth. Flip the script by using these strategies to make your check-ins work for you…