Critical Stories to Pitch Your Company or Product


Every founder, CEO, or sales person has to pitch their company or product, but to their detriment, not all of them bring a story to do so. The pitch is an obvious structure. It’s easy to meet the baseline expectations here. But if you want to be noticed and remembered, inspire people with your vision, prove your passion, paint a picture and ultimately gain champions, storytelling—specifically influential storytelling—is a valuable skill to have in your tool belt.

Three Critical Stories

Every founder, entrepreneur or sales person should prepare at least 3 of these critical stories to include when pitching their company or product. In the course of your pitch, you’ll probably address all of these topics, but having prepared stories for a least a few of them will make loads of difference:

  • How you discovered the problem you solve

  • Why you decided to tackle the problem

  • The scope of the problem you solve

  • Why you (or your team) are uniquely qualified to solve the problem

  • The inspiration for your solution

  • How your product/service makes a difference for your customer or user

  • What you have learned so far

How to Begin

Start with one story at a time. Use a notebook, google doc, index cards, or whatever tool that will help you put some ideas down. Try not to edit yourself while you’re beginning; let yourself include too many details. Once you have a too-long, rough first draft, apply the Super PowersKeep it Real, Engage Emotion, Invite Curiosity and Pick One Theme. Refine your story by sharing it with someone who will give you feedback. Identify where you want to use it in your pitch process. And then practice and start tackling the rest of the stories.

What are your critical stories? How do you prepare to use them when you pitch?

This article was also published on LinkedIn.