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The Mundane: A simple, day-to-day, real-life moment

Story Hour is a casual environment in which to practice influential storytelling. 

Today's theme is The mundane: A simple, day-to-day, real-life moment. We choose this prompt because one of the strongest objections to becoming a storyteller that we hear is, “I don’t have any stories to tell!” This Story Hour is aimed at showcasing how even the mundane, everyday moments are story-worthy and can be crafted into tools for influence. Think about the small moments that happen all the time; that first sip of coffee in the morning, sitting in the car line on your way to pick up your kids, refilling your gas tank. How are these moments meaningful to you? What do you draw from them?

Apply to be a speaker below. If you’d rather just listen and offer feedback, register as a participant.

The storytellers for this event are:

Denise Phillips

Leela Gill

If you have any questions, please reach out to info at